Directly following an hour segment of live broadcast, the CEO of C-SPAN took the stage with Mr. and Mrs Tom Wheeler. Both individuals worked very diligently with the Obama campaign and came to share their thoughts with us. This segment was not aired live, but was recorded to be shown on a later date. Mr. and Mrs Wheeler were very informative and very receptive to not only answering questions from the audience but speaking with students after they left the stage. I found this most impressive because Brett Behr left immediately after his segment ended, taking no extra questions, and no extra time with students in the audience.
After the hour long segment with Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Mr. Brian Lamb took the stage to ask students questions about what they see as solutions to our countries large challenges ahead. This went very well, and I was extremely interested in what my peers had to say in regards to fixing this great nation.
We broke for lunch at Potbelly's, which was delicious, and then headed for the Accuracy in Media Inc. suite in an office building not far from the UDC. Charles has pretty much nailed how this situation went, but I would like to add that this man, who professes himself as a media watchdog, is the biggest hypocrite I have ever met. His answers to questions sometimes contradicted the answer he gave to the previous question, which made it very frustrating to retrieve any real benefit from the program. Overall the entire group felt like our speaker was a hypocrite, even the students from Layola Merrimont University in LA agreed that the logic behind his answers was flawed and that we had just lost an hour and a half of our lives we would never get back.
Following the hypocrites anonymous meeting we walked to the white house to see the parade stands, and mess with the rookie secret service agent whose poor job is to stand in the middle of Pennsylvania Ave and watch people. I am positive that the Obama team has a very specific, yet open parade route so that President-elect Obama can walk by us, the American people, all the while protected by lots and lots of bullet proof glass. Our evening ended with a reception at the chamber of commerce where Bob Schieffer was the keynote speaker. Once again the lack of organization from the Washington Center limited our ability to fully enjoy the message that Mr. Shieffer had to convey, but after some food and debate we all decided to turn in early for the night.
Thus here I am writing about our day while eating the rest of my chicken salad sandwich from Potbelly's. I hope tomorrow is shorter than today and that I don't have to listen to another huge hypocrite speak his nonsense to me. With a line up consisting of Brian Lamb, Ted Coppel and Steve Bell, I expect tomorrow to be stupendous.
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